The Best Cloud native, Cloud agnostic Core Banking Software

With Fintech in Mind and Banking at Heart.

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Multiple Deployment Options

CiiHive is a Complete Banking as a Platform & Software as a Service (SaaS) Solution. It can be deployed on private, public or hybrid cloud

infrastructure including AWS, GCP and Microsoft Azure. CiiHive can also be deployed in an infrastructure owned and managed by the Financial Institution

Private Cloud or on Premise

CiiHive is deployed in the infrastructure owned by Financial Institution or Bank. Such as bank owned data center or private cloud infrastructure

Client Managed Public Cloud

CiiHive is deployed on public cloud that is leased by the financial institution or
Bank to third party such as AWS, GCP or Microsoft Azure

Software as a Service (SaaS), Single tenant Model

CiiHive is deployed on the cloud environment that is fully managed by CiiHive / or its consortium Partner Organization

Power Your Digital Strategy With "CiiHive"

Our Financial Service Solution offers a Comprehensive Suite of Capabilities
to Power your Bank Digital Transformation

Realize Your Strategy with a Comprehensive and Advanced Platform